Monday, September 19, 2016

A Girls Guide To Netflix: Fall 2016

Although its technically still summer, I have definitely moved to fall mode. I am so ready for jeans, sweaters, boots, and everything else fall has to offer! While school work tends to keep me busy about 99% of the time during the week, every free chance I get I spend either online shopping, on youtube, or watching Netflix.

I have to admit, towards the middle/end of the school year last year and for a good chunk of the summer, Netflix took up a lot of my time. It got to the point where I had to install a program on my computer to keep me from watching it! But Sophomore year and everything I am doing outside of school has definitely kept me busy and hasn't given me a lot of time to relax.

I have definitely watched more Netflix than the average person, so I have compiled a list of my top 5 favorite shows. I tried to pick out some that are shorter that are more convenient for those of you like me, that don't have a lot of time to be watching TV during the week.

1. Once Upon A Time // This show is by far one of my favorites. I will try to explain it as well as possible without giving away too much, but its way harder to explain than you think (ask anyone who watches it!). The basic premises is that it follows the lives of fairytale characters that live in a "real world" town in Maine. It is one of the best shows I have ever watched and I am so excited for the season 6 premiere this Sunday!

2. Friends & How I Met Your Mother // Although they have their differences, "Friends" and "How I Met Your Mother" are two very alike and extremely funny shows. They both are about groups of friends living their lives in New York City, however "How I Met Your Mother" is a bit more modern. If you are short on time and looking for a good laugh with great characters, either of these shows are a great choice.

3. Greys Anatomy // If you have never seen or heard of Grey's Anatomy, stop everything that are you doing right now and go watch it. Seriously! It is one of the best shows of all time, especially in the earlier seasons. It is a medical drama so it shows all aspects of life of doctors working at a hospital, and it is about to start its 13th season. It is such a good show, but if you have a lot on your plate right now, I would recommend waiting until you have more free time, because if you are like me you will become addicted to this show!!

4. Gilmore Girls // Now that I am writing this, I realize that I have completely failed at the whole "picking shows that are shorter", but most of my favorite shows are 42 minutes #ohwhale. Gilmore Girls is another great show that follows the lives of a mother-daughter duo that live in a small town in Connecticut. This show was written extermely well; the dialogue is extremely witty and hilarious, and the storylines are so fun to watch. If you have the time to watch it, I would recommend starting now as on November 25th (!!!) the "Gilmore Girls Revival" is coming out on Netflix!

5. Don't Trust the B- in Apartment 23 // This show, although only 2 seasons, is absolutely hilarious! I have watched it so many times and each time it never gets old. It's quick and only 20-something minutes, and is definitely a must-watch show.

What are your favorite shows on Netflix?

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